Methods and Computed Properties

All methods in Component class will become part of methods attributes except for the internal hook methods used by Vue (eg: created, beforeDestroy, destroyed, etc...). You can also define getter and setter that will become part of computed attribute.

      <div id="text">
        now: <span id="now">{{val}}</span>, 
        next: <span id="next">{{next}}</span>
    <button id="btn" v-on:click="inc">Inc</button>
class Foo {

  // data
  val: number = 1

  // part of internal hooks
  created() {
    console.log('Foo created')

  // method
  inc() {
    this.val += 1;

  // property - get
  get next() : number {
    return this.val + 1;


Code above is equivalent to:

      <div id="text">
        now: <span id="now">{{val}}</span>, 
        next: <span id="next">{{next}}</span>
    <button id="btn" v-on:click="inc">Inc</button>

  created: function () {
    console.log('Foo created')

  data: function () {
    return { val: 1 }

  methods: {
    inc: function () {
      this.val += 1;

  computed: {
    next: {
      get: function() {
        return this.val + 1;

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