Single Mixin

For single mixin you can use Mixin function to extends your component:

class MainClass extends Mixin(ComponentOrOptionsYouWantToMixIn)

ComponentOrOptionsYouWantToMixIn is a class that you have to decorate it either with @Component or @Options decorator.


import { Component, Options, Mixin } from 'vue-typed'

class MyMixin  {
  mymix() {
    console.log('my mix method called');        

  template: require('./container.html'),
export class Container extends Mixin(MyMixin) {
  created() {

is equivalent to

var MyMixin = Vue.extend({
  mixins: [{
    methods: {
      mymix: function () {
        console.log('my mix method called');

export var Container = MyMixin.extend({
  template: require('./container.html'),
  created: function () {

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