Global Mixin

To have a global mixin just simply decorate your class with @GlobalMixin decorator.


import { GlobalMixin } from 'vue-typed'

class Global {
  created() {
    console.log('created method called from global mixin');        
  globalMethod() {
    console.log('global method called');        

is equivalent to

  created: function() {
    console.log('created method called from global mixin');        
  methods: {
    globalMethod: function() {
      console.log('global method called');        

Invoke global method

From the example above you should be able to do this:

import { Component } from 'vue-typed'

  template: require('./container.html')
export class Container {
  created() {
    // Raising error since globalMethod is not defined

But unfortunatelly NOT, the globalMethod() will not recognized by Container class since it's not defined anywhere. Thus you have to extend this class from Global class. But again it's not make sense since the globalMethod() is actually already exists magically be the global mixin. Then here's come Virtual<T> function to help you:

import { Component, Virtual } from 'vue-typed'

  template: require('./container.html')
export class Container extends Virtual<Global>() {
  created() {
    // It's available now

Virtual<T> function is just a helper to help us deal with typescript. It does not extend the class anywhere but an empty function.

You will do same way to invoke both the global methods and mixin(s) methods together:

import { Component, Options, Mixin, Virtual } from 'vue-typed'

class MyMixin extends Virtual<Global>() {
  mymix() {
    console.log('my mix method called');        

  template: require('./container.html'),
export class Container extends Mixin(MyMixin) {
  created() {

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