
You can use Prop decorator to have props in your class.

class MyComp {

  // simple prop
  message: string

  // prop with options (you can put all official Vue props options here)
    default: 'meh',
    type: String
  message2: any

  // prop with default value assigned from constructor
  message3: string

  // prop with default value assigned inline
  message4: string = 'yeah'

  // prop with options and default value assigned inline
    type: String
  message5: any = 'foo'

  // prop with default value assigned both inline/constructor and in options
  // you should avoid this way - however default value assigned in options will be use.
  // if you do this, then you'll see warning in the console.  
    type: String,
    default: "I'm win"
  message6: any = 'kick'

  constructor() {
    this.message3 = 'what'


results matching ""

    No results matching ""